Greetings From (Not So Sunny) Florida!

I flew to Florida yesterday. Its a little cloudy and rainy, but it sure beats the 20 degree blizzard I left behind in Rochester. I’ll be here for a week to visit my dad and today we are going to visit The Wizarding World of Harry Potter


I prepared by listening to Mugglecast during the entire plane ride.

Posts will be not-so regular until I return home next Wednesday, but I will certainly post many many pictures.


I wish you were all here with me. We’d have the best time.


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3 Responses to Greetings From (Not So Sunny) Florida!

  1. welcome to my hometown! Have fun in Orlando, our City beautiful! )

  2. Ashley

    It’s good to be back! I missed this place last year. I’ll be spending most of my time in Ocala (where my dad lives).

  3. Enjoy your trip and the warmer weather!

    Thanks again for your heartfelt comment on my post today. I appreciate it.


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